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Jegan Achieves TISAX AL3 Certification

Jegan achieves TISAX AL3 Certification for information security in the automotive industry

Jegan has reached a significant milestone in its commitment to information security by obtaining the TISAX certification at the AL3 level (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange). This certification is a crucial requirement for automotive industry suppliers, ensuring that Jegan's information security processes and systems meet the stringent standards demanded by leading automobile manufacturers.

The TISAX AL3 certification demonstrates Jegan's dedication to information security and operational excellence. By achieving this, Jegan not only complies with the rigorous standards of the automotive industry but also provides its clients with the assurance that their data is safe. With TISAX AL3, Jegan strengthens its market position and ensures it is prepared to face future information security challenges.

What is the TISAX AL3 Certification?

TISAX AL3 is an information security assessment and exchange mechanism developed by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) and operated by the ENX Association. It aims to reduce the need for multiple individual audits for automotive industry suppliers and facilitate a centralised system where all interested parties can share and recognise information security assessment results.

How the TISAX AL3 Certification is evaluated

Jegan's obtaining the TISAX AL3 certification is a testament to our commitment to information security. Complying with the strictest standards is vital in an industry where susceptible data is handled. Therefore, the TISAX AL3 certification process involves a series of thorough requirements and analyses.

  • Classification and registration: The first step is classifying the supplier by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) based on the sensitivity of the data it handles. Following this, the supplier registers on the TISAX AL3 platform operated by ENX, including details such as the scope of the assessment.
  • Assessment: An accredited certification body analyzes according to the required level in the previous step.
  • Report: In this case, Jegan receives a detailed assessment results report.
  • Addressing vulnerabilities: The company addresses and corrects any vulnerabilities identified during the assessment, if any.
  • Report publication: Finally, the report is uploaded to the TISAX AL3 platform, which can be shared with other industry participants upon approval.

Advantages of TISAX AL3 for Jegan's clients

Holding the TISAX AL3 certification reinforces Jegan's position as a reliable supplier in the automotive sector, especially in Germany. However, it is not only a competitive distinction for Jegan but also provides significant advantages for our clients.

Clients can be confident that Jegan has been assessed and meets the highest information security standards. This certification fosters a trust relationship and reduces concerns about data security, as clients know their data is in the hands of a reliable provider. Additionally, Jegan maintains complete control over its assessment results and only shares this information with other participants under strict approval. This ensures that sensitive data is always protected, guaranteeing that information is accessible only to those with express authorisation.

Another significant advantage is the saving of time and costs. Having an assessment recognised by multiple OEMs eliminates duplicate audits, simplifying compliance and improving operational efficiency. The TISAX AL3 platform also enables more efficient assessment management, ensuring companies do not undergo unnecessary audits. This optimises resources and facilitates a smoother, more consistent evaluation process benefiting Jegan and its clients.